Identifying ‘Strike Zones’ for Passive Apartment Syndication Investing

High net worth individuals often find passive investing in apartment syndications to be an attractive option. These investments offer the potential for a high return on investment with minimal effort. To reach these outcomes, though, it is essential to find your strike zone to identify potential investments by understanding the underwriting guidelines.     We have…

Multifamily is historically a recession-resistant asset

We have been investing in real estate since 2000 and experienced the 2008 mortgage crises firsthand. While it caused a massive downturn in the single-family market, multifamily remained relatively unscathed, with rents decreasing just a few percentage points.   In 2008 through 2011, even though people lost their homes, they still needed shelter. Many turned to…

Questions you MUST ask a General Partner BEFORE investing in an apartment syndication 

Questions you MUST ask a General Partner BEFORE investing in an apartment syndication 

While apartment syndication can reward investors with long-term passive income streams, it also comes with some risk. So, as a passive investor you should be sure to ask General Partners the right questions to ensure they are putting you and your capital in a secure position for success.   These should include questions about the experience…